Chelsea to Sign Infinite Athlete Kit Sponsorship Deal - Helloofans
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Chelsea to Sign Infinite Athlete Kit Sponsorship Deal

Chelsea to Sign Infinite Athlete Kit Sponsorship Deal

According to Matt Law, it’s unclear if the agreement will be signed prior to the scheduled Liverpool match. The approach of the club has focused on getting the best agreement rather than trying to rush an agreement before the debut Premier League match.

The day before the news was revealed that the sports technology company Tempus Ex Machina, known by its machine learning-powered FusionFeed technology, had purchased Biocore an injury analysis company, and was changing its name the company as Infinite Athlete.

Its goal is to change the field of sports by establishing an “operating system designed for sports” which benefits the athletes, their fans, as well as the general sector. This technology integration allows for the automated production of individual clips and highlights via FusionFeed. Partner organizations comprise Chelsea FC, San Francisco 49ers as well as the Pac-12 college sports conferences.

Do you like the design that this Infinite Athlete logo on Chelsea’s shirt? Let us know below.

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