No More Adidas - Sao Paulo to Sign New Balance Kit Deal - Helloofans
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No More Adidas – Sao Paulo to Sign New Balance Kit Deal

No More Adidas - Sao Paulo to Sign New Balance Kit Deal

Update: Local media have reported the fact that Sao Paulo FC are set to announce their partnership together with New Balance, replacing Adidas shortly, which confirms the earlier news report from Mantos do Futebol .

New Balance will be Sao Paulo’s brand new kit maker starting in 2024. According to Mantos do Futebol .


Brazilian team Sao Paulo is to leave their current kit manufacturer Adidas to join New Balance from next year from next year. The agreement hasn’t yet been announced officially, however Mantos are Futebol are according to reliable people who are involved in discussions that an agreement is expected to be in place soon.

Sao Paulo are said to have been dissatisfied by their treatment by Adidas They believe they are entitled to a wider distribution of their equipment in keeping the status they enjoy as one of Brazil’s largest teams. The problems have arisen from the beginning with the collaboration in 2017 and the team appears to did not receive authentic equipment or replicas of them for games. They also believe that they belong included in Adidas elite group among “elite” clubs that also includes their fellow Brazilians, Flamengo.

Should the deal be approved, Sao Paulo would become the second club of NB’s in Brazil and would join Red bull Bragantino. Alongside Flamengo, Adidas also currently sponsors Cruzeiro, Internacional and Atletico Mineiro.

Do you think this is a fair bargain to Sao Paulo? Could NB create adequate kits to suit the team? Leave a comment in the comments below.

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